Early Learning and Childcare Dual Credit Program

Tuition and Fees   Program Structure 

Dual credit programming programming provides interested high school students in grades eleven and twelve the opportunity to opt into a career in Early Learning and Childcare with children from birth to eight years old. Students can start conceptualizing theory-based courses, while experiencing Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) at selected childcare centre in the Fort McMurray community.

If interested in a career working with children, please contact your school to find out more details.


Tuition and Fees

Students will pay to Keyano all required Mandatory Student Fees and Tuition for each the Term in alignment with Keyano’s Tuition Payment Deadlines.

Please note that all tuition and mandatory student fees (excluding SA Fee and SA Bld Fee) are subject to approval annually by the Keyano College Board of Governors. Official rates for 2022-23 and 2023-24 have not yet been set. The rates provided are the estimated tuition and fee rates at this time. Tuition and fees for dual credit students will align with the part-time rates set by Keyano College, plus tuition discounts as noted in this contract.

 2022 - 2023 Tuition and Fee Schedule
Mandatory Student Fees
Student Fees Per TermSA Fee*SA Bld FeeCampus Rec FeeTech FeeTotal 
Mandatory Student Fees $56.00 $8.96 $65.00 $85.00 $214.96


Tuition Per Course
 CHSD 101 (3 credits)CHSD 104 (3 Credits)
Course Tuition $477.00 $477.00
Tuition Discount - Per Course $(200.00) $(200.00)
Total Tuition  $277.00 $277.00



 2023 - 2024 Tuition and Fee Schedule
Mandatory Student Fees
Student Fees Per TermSA Fee*SA Bld FeeCampus Rec FeeTech FeeTotal 
Mandatory Student Fees $56.00 $8.96 $70.00 $95.00 $229.96


Tuition Per Course
 CHSD 101 (3 credits)CHSD 104 (3 Credits)ELCC 106 (3 Credits)CHSD 105 (2 Credits)
Course Tuition $486.00 $486.00 $486.00 $324.00
Tuition Discount - Per Course $(200.00) $(200.00) $(200.00) $(200.00)
Total Tuition  $286.00 $286.00 $286.00 $124.00



*SA Fee and SA BLD Fee are subject to change, as official rates for 2022-23 and 2023-24 have not yet been determined.

Students are responsible for all materials, including textbooks for the ELCC course/work-integrated learning outlined in the agreement.


Program Structure

*Note: Courses and course times subject to change.

Schedule 1

Theory-based Learning

September - December 2022

Grade 11 (Year 1) 

Course CodeHigh school CSTNameCreditHoursDayTime
CHSD 101 Assigned by department of Education Child Development I                        3 45 Monday Hy-Flex (HF) Face to face and/or asynchronous delivery 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.  



 January - April 2023
Course CodeHigh school CSTNameCreditHoursDayTime
CHSD 104 Assigned by department of Education Guiding Children's Behaviour                 3 45 Tuesday (HF)  Face to face and/or asynchronous delivery 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.  
Course Descriptions 
CHSD 101: Child Development I 

3 credits, 3 hours per week

Understanding the development of children is the foundation for supporting children to be mighty learners and citizens. An exploration of the growth and development of the child from the prenatal period to the early childhood period is emphasized. Physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development will be examined through readings, simulations, discussion, projects, and observing and recording children’s behaviour. An introduction to develop perspective on history, research and theories of child development will be explored.

No prerequisites and/or co-requisites


Upon successful completion of this course, the student shall be able to:

  1. Develop awareness of the development of young children from infancy to early childhood
  2. Produce anecdotal records utilizing basic observation and recording skills
  3. Construct inferences, supported by theory, using two types of observation
  4. Summarize how the patterns of prenatal development and the birth process affect the developing child
  5. Recognize the sequence of physical growth and development of young children from infancy to early childhood
  6. Explain the pattern of social and emotional development of young children from infancy to early childhood
  7. Distinguish the stages of cognitive development from infancy to early childhood
  8. Describe the major theories and issues concerning physical, social/emotional, and cognitive development
  9. Identify potential signs of mental health concerns in young children from infancy to early childhood
  10. Discuss the significance of gender development in young children from infancy to early childhood
CHSD 104: Guiding Children's Behaviour

3 credits, 3 hours per week

Children behave appropriately when expectations are clearly outlined and their self-esteem is supported. Approaching guidance using a child-centred, problem-solving philosophy is a key component of the course. Communication skills with children will be explored to include passive and active listening, affirmations, positive communication of guidelines, negotiation, and facilitation of children’s problem-solving. Guidance strategies for developmental appropriateness are examined and applied to support and modify children’s behaviour. An emphasis on the importance of partnerships with families and respecting diverse family values is encouraged to holistically address behaviours.

Prerequisites and/or co-requisites None

Upon successful completion of this course, the student shall be able to:

  1. Identify key principles and elements of the child-centred problem-solving approach to guiding children’s behaviour.
  2. Identify behavioural cues from children that inform adults of needed improvements to guidance practice.
  3. Select appropriate communication skills that develop relationships with children: positive guidelines, affirmations, paraphrasing, and active listening
  4. Select negotiation skills that facilitate problem-solving between and with children
  5. Integrate appropriate prevention and intervention strategies to help children learn
  6. Recognize the importance of cultural responsiveness and family educator partnerships


Work Integrated Learning (WIL)

January 2023 - April 2023

Grade 11 - Year 1

6 hours per day, 1 day per week (Fridays)

 Work Integrated Learning (WIL) 

 Work integrated learning (WIL) Students will begin to:

  1. Implement necessary work habits to be successful in the community setting environment.
  2. Demonstrate professionalism by maintaining confidentiality, inquiring about the program and program policies, communicating in an effective manner, participating as a team member and using feedback for improving practice.
  3. Take progressively more initiative for staff responsibilities and routines, contributing ideas/resources and planning for children's learning experiences.
  4. Apply Health and Safety understandings and practices personally and through the daily supervision of children.
  5. Demonstrate a willingness to listen and speak to children as an interested partner in communication.
  6. Use a problem-solving guidance approach as discussed in ELCC 104.
  7. Observe, support and record children's progress through the creating of materials and learning resources.
  8. Observe and work within the developmental abilities of individual children.



  • Professionalism
  • Taking initiative
  • Health and safety practices
  • Communicating with children
  • Problem solving approach to guidance
  • Supporting play and development


Schedule 2

Theory-based Learning

September - December 2023

Grade 12 (Year 2) 

Course CodeHigh school CSTNameCreditHoursDayTime
ELCC 106 Assigned by department of Education Learning Through Play 3 45 Monday Hy-Flex (HF) Face to face and/or asynchronous delivery 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.  



 January - April 2024
Course CodeHigh school CSTNameCreditHoursDayTime
CHSD 105 Assigned by department of Education Personal Development and Interaction               2 30 Monday - Friday N/A Asynchronous Online Delivery
Course Descriptions
ELCC 106: Learning Through Play

3 credits, 3 hours per week

An introduction to the nature, value, and development of play in the lives of children is explored. The role
of the early childhood educator is emphasized. Building familiarity with different categories of play and
their importance in early childhood programs is highlighted. Observing, supporting, and extending play
will be practiced through group and individual experiences.
No prerequisites and/or co-requisites


Course Outcomes

1. Articulate how to support children’s self-directed play in different categories of play: sand, water, blocks, quiet, dramatic, fine motor, sensory, math and science, loose parts, and woodworking.

2. Articulate the values of play for children’s learning and development.

3. Differentiate the social and cognitive levels of children’s play.

4. Design experiences for play-based learning based on thoughtful observation of children and programs.

5. Discuss appropriate adult-child interactions to support and extend play.

6. Create appropriate dramatic play resources to extend children’s play interests.

7. Build a toolbox of resources to advocate for play in educational programs for children.

 CHSD 105: Personal Development and Interaction

2 credits, 2 hours per week

Personal reflection and growth is an essential part of the complex role of the early childhood educator. A journey of reflection to identify personal values, needs, roles, biases, personal goals, strengths, and weaknesses will foster relationship building through increased self-awareness and practicing receptive and expressive communication skills. Giving and receiving constructive feedback will be modelled and exercised.   

Prerequisites and/or co-requisites None

Upon successful completion of this course, the student shall be able to:

  1. Recognize personal accountability for feelings, needs and actions through increased self-awareness
  2. Explain the influences that values, beliefs, perceptions, and biases have on verbal and non-verbal communication.  
  3. Employ effective communication skills - both receptive (active, reflective, and empathic listening) and expressive (affirmations, clear expectations, and I-messages).
  4. Practice giving and receiving feedback to achieve more authentic personal and professional relationships using the Nonviolent Communication model.
  5. Demonstrate growth of communication abilities in interactions with adults.  
  6. Explore the fit between effective communication and the attitude of caring in the childhood development profession.  
  7. Practice goal setting using the SMART method

Work Integrated Learning (WIL)

January 2024 - April 2024

Grade 12 - Year 2

6 hours per day, 1 day per week (Fridays)

 Work Integrated Learning (WIL) 

 Work integrated learning (WIL) Students will continue to:

  1. Implement necessary work habits to be successful in the community setting environment.
  2. Demonstrate professionalism by maintaining confidentiality, inquiring about the program and program policies, communicating in an effective manner, participating as a team member and using feedback for improving practice.
  3. Apply Health and Safety understandings and practices personally and through the daily supervision of children.
  4. Use a problem-solving guidance approach as discussed in ELCC 104.
  5. Observe and work within the developmental abilities of individual children
  6. Take progressively more initiative for staff responsibilities and routines, contributing ideas/resources and planning for children's learning experiences.
  7. Demonstrate a willingness to listen and speak to children as an interested partner in communication.
  8. Observe, support and record children's progress through the creating of materials and learning resources.



  • Professionalism
  • Taking initiative
  • Health and safety practices
  • Communicating with children
  • Problem solving approach to guidance
  • Supporting play and development