
At the beginning of each course, instructors will outline the method of evaluation used in determining the final grades. Students must be available for final examinations at the scheduled times or they may be granted a grade calculated based on work completed throughout the semester. Students have access to review their final exam within two months after the date of the final examination.

Exam Locations

ONLINE - Your instructor will provide you with the information to access your online final exam.
SSWC FH3 - last field house in the Syncrude Sport and Wellness Centre.
All rooms beginning with CC (examples: CC195, CC224, CC239, CC267, CC273, CC282 and CC283) are all classrooms on Clearwater Campus.
All rooms beginning with S (examples: S105, S107, S112, S205 S207 and S214) are all located in the Syncrude Technology Centre on Clearwater Campus.

Final Exam Schedule

Summer 2024
Course Code Course Name Course Section Exam Write Date Exam Time Exam Location
BUS  103 Business Computing A Saturday, August 17   9:00AM CC267 & CC282
BUS  103 Business Computing B Friday, August 16   1:00PM CC267 & CC282
BUS  103 Business Computing E Thursday, August 15   6:30PM CC267 & CC282
BUS  103 Business Computing E2 Tuesday, August 20   6:30PM CC273
BUS  103 Business Computing E3 Thursday, August 15   6:30PM CC273
BUS  103 Business Computing E4 Tuesday, August 20   6:30PM CC267 & CC282
BUS  103 Business Computing INTA Friday, August 16   1:00PM ONLINE
BUS  107 Business Comm. I D NO EXAM    
BUS  107 Business Comm. I HR NO EXAM    
BUS  107 Business Comm. I INTS NO EXAM    
BUS  107 Business Comm. I ITS2 NO EXAM    
BUS  107 Business Comm. I ITS3 NO EXAM    
BUS  107 Business Comm. I ITS4 NO EXAM    
BUS  110 Business Mathematics A Monday, August 19   1:00PM CC224
BUS  110 Business Mathematics B Saturday, August 17   9:00AM CC195
BUS  110 Business Mathematics C Saturday, August 17   9:00AM CC224
BUS  110 Business Mathematics E Monday, August 19   6:30PM CC228
BUS  110 Business Mathematics INTS Monday, August 19   6:30PM CC267 & CC282
BUS  130 Intro Account I A Thursday, August 15   9:00AM CC267 & CC282
BUS  130 Intro Account I B Wednesday, August 14   1:00PM CC267 & CC282
BUS  130 Intro Account I C Wednesday, August 14   9:00AM CC267 & CC282
BUS  130 Intro Account I E Wednesday, August 14   6:30PM CC195
BUS  130 Intro Account I E2 Wednesday, August 14   6:30PM CC225
BUS  191 Management A NO EXAM    
BUS  191 Management C NO EXAM    
BUS  191 Management D NO EXAM    
BUS  191 Management E NO EXAM    
BUS  191 Management F NO EXAM    
BUS  191 Management HR NO EXAM    
BUS  239 Marketing INTS NO EXAM    
BUS  239 Marketing ITS2 NO EXAM    
HRM 100 Human Resource Man E NO EXAM    
HRM 100 Human Resource Man HR NO EXAM    
ENVT 220 Co-op Term A NO EXAM    
ACP 509 Intermed Ambul Prac A NO EXAM    
ACP 512 Hospital Practicum A NO EXAM    
ACP 515 Final Ambulance Prac A NO EXAM    
ACP 518 Communications A NO EXAM    
HCA 125 Meeting Complex Care A NO EXAM    
HCA 126 Special Activities A NO EXAM    
HCA 127 Clinical Placement 2 A NO EXAM    
HCA 127 Clinical Placement 2 B NO EXAM    
HCA 127 Clinical Placement 2 C NO EXAM    
HCA 128 Consolidated Clinical A NO EXAM    
HE ED102 Health Education A Tuesday, August 20   9:00AM CC225
NURS 300 Health Policy Change INTA NO EXAM    
NURS 321 Adv Care Nurs Prac I A NO EXAM    
NURS 321 Adv Care Nurs Prac I B NO EXAM    
PAPHY105 Pathophysiology for A Monday, August 19 1:00PM CC225
PCP 104 Paramedic Wellness A Wednesday, August 14 1:00PM BLC 259
PCP 105 Pathophysiology A Tuesday, August 20 1:00PM BLC 259
PCP 106 Pharmacology A Wednesday, August 14 9:00AM BLC 259
PCP 107 Integrated Theory ll A Thursday, August 15 1:00PM BLC 259
PCP 107 Integrated Theory ll X Friday, August 16 9:00AM BLC 252
PCP 107 Integrated Theory ll X Monday, August 19 9:00AM BLC 252 
PCP 108 Acute Care Practicum A NO EXAM    
PCP 109 Ambulance Practicum A NO EXAM    
PHARM130 Basic Pharmacotherap A Wednesday, August 14   1:00PM CC225
PN   156 Nurse Foundations II A Friday, August 16   1:00PM CC225
SOCY 100 Intro Sociology INTA Final Paper due August 16th    

Reminders for Students

◾Bring photo ID to your scheduled exams

◾Students are expected to arrive on time - students arriving late will not be eligible for deferred or supplemental exams.

Challenge Exam
Students who have acquired skills or knowledge through experience and/or related courses which are relevant to the content of a course offered at Keyano College may be granted credit for such a course by requesting and passing a challenge examination.
  • Submit a Challenge Examination Request form to the Office of the Registrar.
  • Final decision on granting or denying permission for a challenge exam is made cumulatively by the course instructor, the program chair and the Registrar.
  • If permission is granted, the exam must be written within two weeks after approval unless otherwise indicated.
  • There is a non-refundable fee of 50% of the course tuition per challenge exam.
  • The grade recorded for a successful exam is "CR", which is not calculated in the student's GPA.
  • A challenge exam does not apply to any course offerings at Keyano College that are subject to external accrediting agencies.
  • No student shall receive advanced credit and/or accumulate challenge exam credits in excess of 50% of total required for graduation in certificate and diploma programs, except in exceptional circumstances.
  • Students who fail a course will not be allowed to write a challenge exam for that course within two years of failing that course.
Deferred Exam
Students who are unable to comply with the established dates and times for final exams can apply for exam deferral.  Valid reasons for deferral include:
  1. Bereavement
  2. Personal illness or injury
  3. Religious observances
  4. Domestic affliction
  5. Disability
  6. Final Exams scheduled concurrently

Documentation (medical certificate, death certificate, accident report, etc.) will be required to support a deferral request.  All medical documentation must be provided to Health Services for verification. 

Application for deferral must be made prior to the examination or within 48 hours of the formal scheduled time.  

Students must complete the Deferred Examination Application Form for deferred final examination.  In the event the student is unable to complete the form within 48 hours, the Chair will be notified by the student and the form will be completed by the student within one week of the scheduled examination change. 

  • The application form will be initiated by the student and provided to the instructor. 
  • The instructor, upon completion of their portion, regardless of whether or not the deferral is recommended at their level, will forward the form to the Chair.
  • The Chair, regardless of whether or not the deferral is recommended at their level, will forward the form to the Office of the Registrar. 

If the application is denied, the Office of the Registrar will send a letter indicating the reason for denial to the student. 

If the application is approved, the student and instructor will be notified via email.  The student must schedule the exam with Testing Services.   

The student will receive a grade of DE (deferred exam) until revised grades are received.

The deferred exam must be written within 20 business days of the original examination date for the course, unless otherwise indicated.  A deferred exam may be written prior to the scheduled exam if mutually agreed upon. 

Deferred exams may be written at the same time as supplemental exams.

Supplemental Exam
Supplemental Final Exam is an additional final exam. Eligibility will be determined by the following criteria:
  • Prior to the final exam, the student must have achieved a summative grade equal to or better than 60% for College Preparation, 65% for Trades programs or a C- in all other courses.
  • All course work must be complete up to the time of the final evaluation. 
  • The student must have written the final examination and as a result earned a course final grade less than 60% in college preparation courses, less than 65% in Trades, or less than a C- in all other courses. 
  • A final exam graded zero as a result of Academic Misconduct will not result in eligibility for a supplemental exam. 
  • Courses which are part of a collaborative degree will follow policies of the degree-granting institution.

Students who pass the course with a grade sufficient for progression to subsequent courses or programs will not be eligible to write a supplemental exam.

  1. A student must complete a Supplemental Examination Application Form for a supplemental final examination no later than 10 business days after final course grades are posted.
  • The student will submit the form to the instructor of the course. 
  • After completing the form, including grades, the instructor will forward it to the Chair. 
  • Upon completion, the student will submit the form together with the fee as indicated in the Credit Calendar to the Office of the Registrar.  The fee is non-refundable, except with the denial of the request. 

The Registrar will review the student’s application and may grant or deny permission to write a supplemental final exam.  The reason for a denial only, will be recorded on the application form. 

  • If an application is denied, the Registrar will advise the student in writing of the reasons for denial. 
  • If the application is approved, the student and instructor will be notified via email.  The student must schedule the exam with Testing Services or with the Chair or Instructor

The supplemental final examination must be written within 10 business days of the approval unless otherwise indicated. Supplemental final examinations can be written in the same time period as deferred exams. 

  • Not more than one supplemental final exam will be allowed in any one course per term/intake.  A student may be allowed to write a second supplemental final exam if the student repeats the course.
  • Maximum of two supplemental final exams will be allowed per academic year.
  • The supplemental exam mark will replace the initial final exam mark.
  • The maximum recordable grade as a result of a supplemental final exam would be a blended mark for the supplemental final exam and the course work as per the course outline. 

Apprenticeship students have access to supplemental College final examinations. However, if the apprentice cannot write the College supplemental final examination prior to the scheduled GoA – Apprenticeship and Industry Training (AIT) Branch Exam sitting at the College, the apprentice is responsible to make their own arrangements with AIT to write the AIT Branch Exam at another time.