Academic Success Tips

To get the most out of your time at the Academic Success Centre, you should come prepared to discuss your course material and current assignments.

Here are a few tips to help you make each session a success:

  • Have your notes and textbooks with you.
  • Have your course outline and handouts or assignment instructions readily available (paper copy, digital, Moodle).
  • Attempt the work prior to your appointment and identify where you need help.
  • We're here to assist in clarifying concepts, empowering you to independently complete all your assignments.
  • Seek assistance well before deadlines approach.
  • Be active during tutoring sessions and work with your tutor.
  • Tell us if we are moving too quickly or if you need a concept explained differently.
  • Regularly check your Keyano email and course Moodle(s). 
  • Attend classes and ask questions of your instructor that are related to course delivery and expectations.