Keyano Student Among 250 Selected Globally for UNO Changemakers Camp

Posted On Wednesday September 21, 2022

It’s a global honour, and Keyano College proudly congratulates Jason Smith, our second-year student in the Business Management Diploma program, who was one of only 250 students selected from 2500 youth leaders worldwide to attend the inaugural United Nations Organization’s (UNO) Camp 2030, a changemakers initiative in New York.

Camp 2030, located in upstate New York on Camp Echo Lake, ran from September 12 to 18, 2022. It “unites the world’s top youth leaders to solve the most pressing challenges that the world faces…an innovation lab for UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).” These goals range from No Poverty, Gender Action, and Climate Action to Quality Education and Clean Water, to name a few. Youth leaders then pitched to a panel of judges during the UN General Assembly.

Speaking of his experience, Jason, who was on the Quality Education SDG, and was the team lead for his group there, said, “the experience was awesome; our team won the Education track, which allowed us to move on to the final presentation. Our proposal was to implement what we called the I.E.E - Incentivised Educational Ecosystem, providing an opportunity to enrich the home environment into a place of teaching and learning sustainable skills that can be passed on from generation to generation.”

“There were hundreds of young leaders at the Camp with 36 different languages. The overall experience was amazing, and I would recommend this Camp to everyone,” he enthused.

A natural leader at home as well, Jason, an international student from Jamaica, is the President of the Students’ Association of Keyano College (SAKC) and is part of the College’s Cricket team. He was recently invited to volunteer for KidSport Wood Buffalo as an ambassador because of his involvement in community sports. Additionally, he is a trained Physical Education teacher, and the current coach of the Fort McMurray Volt Hockey team, which will see four members going to the Volt Hockey World Cup in Sweden later this month.

Recalling how he learned about the opportunity, he shared:

“The information was sent to me by my Economics and Business Mathematics professor Dr. Pratibha Shalini. My goal was to gain a comprehensive understanding of other changemakers' approaches to solving poverty and the lack of education within their community and country.  Even though these topics are a global concept, it helped me formulate new ideas and a more diversified approach to these worldwide problems.”

Jason’s selection came about through an application system, which as abovementioned saw approximately 2500 youth leaders ages 18 to 35 from all over the world apply, and only 250 were selected. 

Dr. Pratibha Shalini, Business Instructor at Keyano, was delighted with the news of Jason’s selection and accomplishments at the Camp. 

“I knew Jason was going to be great. He is sincere, hard-working, and determined. He took advantage of the available opportunities to achieve his goals and made the most of this opportunity,” she enthused. 

Dr. Shalini, who joined the College last August, learned about the Camp from Dr. Sandra Efu, Dean, School of University Studies, Career Programs & Academic Upgrading.

“Dr. Sandra Efu shared an email about this potential UN General Assembly (UNGA) opportunity with the Business Department. I teach Business Mathematics and Economics; hence the email immediately caught my attention. The priority Sustainable Development Goals for CAMP 2030 are relevant to what we discuss and cover in different Economics modules at Keyano. I was very excited to share this opportunity with my students. I thought it would be excellent for them as they will work on priority SDGs, network with other youth leaders, receive mentorship, and have their solutions heard at an event in NYC during the UN General Assembly.”

She was delighted when Jason showed keen interest in the opportunity. 

“I reached out to our department Chair, Dr. Nermin Zukić, and our Dean to seek financial support for Jason. I am glad everyone came on board,” she enthuses.

On board, they did come; Jason thanked everyone who made this memorable trip possible. 

“Firstly, I would like to thank Dr. Shalini, who shared the opportunity with me. And Scotia Bank as well as the Office of International Education for sponsoring the trip, SAKC for having such a structure to support growth and development, and last but not least, Keyano College and all the members of faculty who continue to show support to students.”

Dr. Efu congratulated Jason on this remarkable achievement. 

“When I learned about Camp 2030, I could see a Keyano student selected and was overjoyed to learn when Jason was! He is a role model for fellow students and in the community. We are delighted by his achievements in New York.”

Congratulations again, Jason!

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